Every effort is made to verify medical history information provided by the prospective donors by actively seeking a copy of their medical records. Screening for genetic conditions is also done as per the best practice policies. Accurate depiction of the donors’ physical traits is always available. Other elements of the donor profile vary and may be subjective in nature and more difficult to confirm. Once all the screening results are collected, the medical records obtained, and the specimen assessments are complete, the Medical Director will review all aspects of the donor’s file. After everything is scrutinized, and it is deemed the specimens are of the highest quality for treatment use, the donor will be accepted into the program.
It is important to note that at any time during the 6 months period of evaluation, the candidate maybe rejected. It is a long process in the path to become a semen donor and one that takes time and commitment. For this reason, only 1% of those men who initially apply make it into the program.
When a donor is approved into the program, there is a continued process to assess and review a donor’s medical health. All specimens produced are held in quarantine for a minimum of six months. After the 6 months period the donor will complete another set of infectious screening before the specimens can be authorized for release for recipient use. All donors sign agreements indicating they will update ReproMed of any changes in their medical history and changes to their address even after they leave the program.