Ordering and Shipping
We’ve made it easy for you to order vials to use now, or you can reserve vials for later and we’ll store them for you at Origin Sperm Bank.
Confirm the availability of your donor using the Vial Availability Tool
Please submit your order at least five (5) business days prior to the date you want to use the sample.
Including name, address, telephone and fax number.
Including name, telephone number and date of birth.
We suggest being prepared with at least three alternatives.
Our Patient Support Team can help guide you on the number of units required based on your treatment and family planning goals.
Make sure you select the correct bank from which the donor originated (Canadian, Restricted, Imported). Up to three vial types may be offered. Check with your clinic or doctor about the type of vials (preparation) that they wish to use in your treatment protocol.
See also our Quality Control Policy for minimum guaranteed motile sperm quantity for each preparation type.
Un-washed Preparation: A cryoprotectant is added to the raw semen prior to freezing. Each insemination unit (I.U.) contains 0.8 mL of cryopreserved semen. The specimen is considered ready for use in intracervical insemination (ICI).
Washed Preparation: The liquid portion of the semen specimen is removed by a centrifuge and replaced with a biological buffer. A cryoprotectant is added to the washed semen specimen prior to freezing. Each I.U. contains 0.6 mL of cryopreserved semen. The specimen is considered ready for use in intrauterine insemination (IUI).
IVF/ICSI Preparation: These are vials processed using the Standard protocol. The sperm concentration is less to meet the lower requirements of IVF/ICSI.
Check with your clinic or doctor on the date that your vials will need to be onsite for your treatment. Origin Sperm Bank will then ship these vials to arrive on the desired date.
Determine if you are going to ship all the vials to your clinic or doctor now, or if you’ll be storing some of your unused vials at Origin. Note: storage fees may apply at your clinic or at Origin.
If you order six or more vials, you receive a discount on the unit price, and you receive free one-year storage. Make sure you indicate the free storage option when prompted.
Choose from Priority Shipping or Same-Day Service .
If you are being billed directly, contact us. Origin Sperm Bank staff will be happy to assist you with your arrangements or answer any questions.
Two convenient ways to order.
Order by convenient online form.
Before you submit your order, you’ll have an opportunity to review and confirm (or change) the details. When you confirm, you’ll be prompted to submit your payment details. Once payment is accepted, you’ll see a confirmation page you can print. You’ll also receive a confirmation email.
Download, complete and scan this
printable form.
Email: info@originspermbank.com
Fax: 416-233-9180 (1-877-706-0586 toll-free)
Check our helpful commonly asked questions section.